Save Your Smile With Oral Cancer Checks

Like any cancer, it’s important to catch it early to get the best response to treatment. Having an annual oral cancer check at Your Family Dental in Merritt Island means we can spot cancer early and treat it quickly.

What does a dentist look for during an oral cancer check?

Oral cancer often begins with no obvious symptoms which is why a regular exam with a dentist is critical. If you notice any irregularities around your gums, tongue or mouth then call us right away so a dentist at Your Family Dental can examine you.

  • Red patches or sores
    • Red patches may appear on the floor of the mouth or the front and sides of the tongue
    • White or pink patches which are not healing
    • Sores that are taking a long time to heal and that bleed easily
  • Leukoplakia
    • This a lesion that is hard with a white or gray appearance anywhere in your mouth. This lesion may not be cancerous yet but may become so if you don’t get treatment.
  • Lumps
    • If you have lumps and bumps (any kind of a thickening of tissue) anywhere in your mouth or throat, call us right away.

What happens at an oral cancer check?

Your dentist will look and feel for abnormalities around your face, glands, and neck. They’ll manually check for bumps and use a laser to examine anything not visible to the naked eye.

If they find anything of concern they’ll make an impression and devise an initial treatment plan.

How you can help prevent oral cancer

  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Quit smoking or using tobacco products
  • Use sunscreen as UV rays can cause lip cancer

Book your Merritt Island oral cancer check today

Your dentist and hygienist will look for changes during your regular visits but we recommend you have a thorough oral cancer check annually. Call Your Family Dental today to schedule your oral cancer check appointment.

oral cancer

Contact Your Family Dental About Oral Cancer Checks Today

  • Experience a quick and easy examination from our professionals
  • Have any concerning symptoms assessed thoroughly
  • Improve your chances of a positive outcome with quick action
  • Know which symptoms to watch for
  • Prioritize your oral and overall well-being!

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